In an exclusive interview with Inman, Highnote founder and CEO Mark Choey unveiled his company’s latest products aimed at helping agents “win buyers” in a post-settlement world.
Innovation is in our DNA at Inman — that’s why we’re excited about August’s Technology and Innovation Month. We’ll kick it off by celebrating the companies and individuals pushing the industry forward with an expanded slate of Inman Innovator Awards at Inman Connect Las Vegas. Then, we’ll continue to celebrate the brightest minds in real estate all month long.
Digital sales presentation solution Highnote is helping agents break through the noise with a new Digital Buyer Presentation system and Done-for-You, a service that enables agents to outsource the creation of their presentations to expert designers. Both new offerings are available to agents starting Friday.

Mark Choey
“Our platform goes beyond design because our founder and investors are all former top-producing agents. We understand what’s needed to create a top-tier tool that amplifies professionalism and raises the bar in the industry,” Highnote founder and CEO Mark Choey said in a written statement on Friday. “Highnote isn’t just about presentations; it’s about defining a better way to communicate with clients.”
The Digital Buyer Presentation system leverages a ChatGPT integration to help agents craft more engaging presentations and real-time interactive data that guides agents on how and when to follow up with prospective clients.
The first part of the Digital Buyer Presentation is a pre-meeting presentation that introduces homebuyers to the agent and their team, lists key performance stats (e.g., transaction sides, sales volume, etc.), and provides a guide on buyer agency and the value buyer agents provide during the transaction.
From there, the guide reminds buyers of when and where the consultation will take place, what will be discussed, and information about critical parts of the transaction process, from signing a buyer representation agreement all the way to closing.
After the consultation, agents can create and send a post-meeting presentation summarizing what was discussed, providing key market insights, highlighting several potential listings based on buyer needs, and the next steps should a homebuyer agree to sign an exclusive buyer representation agreement.
Highnote tracks homebuyers’ real-time engagement and provides an easy-to-follow timeline of how many times the presentation was opened, which sections were viewed and for how long, giving agents clues on how best to follow up with a buyer.
Agents can customize the presentations at any time or offload that task to a team of designers through the new Done-for-You service, which is $349 for the first presentation. The second Done-for-You presentation is $299 and includes further discounts for subsequent orders. The Digital Buyer Presentation system is part of the Highnote subscription, which is $348 per year for individuals.
“With this process, agents are able to win clients, leads, listings and buyers before the meeting because this is something that stands out so far beyond what other agents are doing. It sets a professional tone [and] shows value just in the presentation itself,” Choey told Inman. “The sales process is full of documents and a lot of steps, so putting it in this platform makes it clear for buyers and sellers. This will be a game changer for agents.”
Choey said these services are critical for the industry as agents brace themselves for cooperative compensation policy changes per the National Association of Realtors’ buyer-broker commission settlement.
“You really should be giving your examples of how you’ve helped clients in the past before getting through these tricky steps,” he said about the guidance consumers especially need in light of the NAR settlement. “For winning buyers, it’s just a game changer and it’s going to be the standard for real estate agents to be pitching with digital interactive presentations because old school is not going to work long term.”
Spark Tank Media CEO Jeff Lobb and Keller Williams Midtown Atlanta Managing Broker Deborah Blue seconded Choey in written statements, noting Highnote’s new services will help agents “stand out among the noise.”
“It’s become critical to treat buyers just like sellers — with a professional presentation designed to win buyers’ business. And Highnote is a great platform that provides such a solution,” Lobb said.
Added Blue, “Technology moves fast, and our consumers move faster. Having a platform like Highnote allows me to present every aspect of our communication from nurture to close. The feedback from sellers, investors, and buyers … ‘impressive,’ ‘professional’ and ‘informational.’ We stand out among the noise. Love it!”
Choey said the Highnote team has plans to introduce more AI-powered features this year, including a Highnote AI coach that can review a potential client’s digital footprint and craft a personality profile. That profile, he said, will help agents give their presentations an extra-personal touch.
“We’re rolling out a personality lookup using AI this quarter,” he said. “So you say, ‘I want to pitch to [a new prospect] and I need to know [their] personality. I need to know what [they’re] interested in and what [they’re] not. So you enter [their] email or LinkedIn profile, and then [the AI coach] will do an analysis of [their] personality and give tailored recommendations as to how to design the presentation to [them].”
“AI is so powerful for agents and we believe in practical AI,” he added. “It’s about focusing on the stuff that’s going to work and help an agent win more buyers, win more listings and get their jobs done faster.”