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There are commission lawsuits aplenty, but the one filed last week was unusual.
Known now as Keel for its lead defendant, the case is notable because, unlike other suits that have led to months or years of litigation, a proposed settlement was filed the same day as the complaint.
Michele Harrington
The settlement included a couple of MLSs, as well as companies including Side and Southern California-based First Team Real Estate. And that made it unique for another reason: When contacted by Inman last week for a comment, First Team CEO Michele Harrington did not mince words.
“As far as the settlement goes, it’s bullshit we were ever put into this situation,” she began her statement.
Inman wanted to know more, and so reached out to Harrington for a conversation about what the settlement means for her company, about what’s happening right now in the industry. The conversation was notable both for Harrington’s candor, and for her perspective as a leader of a large regional company that is bigger than most indies but smaller than mega-firms such as Keller Williams or Compass.
The takeaway from this conversation is that Harrington and, she said, others like her are not pleased with the way the commission lawsuits have played out. She in particular had criticism for the National Association of Realtors, and said other mid-sized brokers felt similarly displeased. And Harrington urged other industry leaders to speak out to defend the industry.
“If we don’t protect it,” she told Inman, “it’s going to be gone.”
What follows is a version of Inman’s conversation with Harrington that has been edited for length and clarity.
Inman: Before we get into the commissions stuff, for those who aren’t familiar, talk to me about your company. Where do you operate and how big are you?Â
Michele Harrington: So we’re in Southern California and we’re a 48-year-old company. We’re the largest privately held independent in California. We have 2,000 agents. We do $6 billion in sales and we’re in a growth pattern right now.
Excellent. So talk to me about the settlement you struck in this new case.
It was really an ability to pay kind of thing. And we’re coming out of some really bad years in real estate. We had a [Telephone Consumer Protection Act] class action two years ago. We had a cyber attack last year. So we’ve suffered quite a bit from these random acts, cyber attacks and class-action lawsuits. And it’s just really terrible, nothing that we could control.
So I think we negotiated a decent settlement for, I want to say for our size. But it’s still, like I said, bullshit. It still sucks.
The cyber attack was out of our control. The TCPA was the same kind of money grab that this one is. This all comes back down to the brokerage and then we have to fork out millions of dollars. So it’s hard to run a brokerage when you don’t have billions of dollars, like a Compass or a Berkshire Hathaway.
These last couple of years have been the hardest years of our life as a brokerage.
Talk to me about like the financial burden. Some may see that you’re a big company and assume this isn’t going to hurt. But I get the sense that might not be the case?
It’s well beyond the cost of doing business. We’re what you’d call a regional player, an independent. You always have nuisance lawsuits. You know, over the years a buyer buys a house where the seller didn’t tell them something. Those are expected and they’re the cost of doing business.
But these class actions, that’s not the cost of doing business. And to have two of them in two years.
Class action lawsuits were set up for when somebody poisons the water. Like a factory poisons the water and the whole town gets cancer. That’s why class actions were set up, not to punish the small business owner who had an independent contractor make a call to somebody on the do not call list. Nobody was seriously harmed. Definitely in the commission case, nobody was harmed. Those sellers walked away with record sales. It’s really just greedy lawyers taking advantage of a system, and a system that is totally broken.
So yes, it’s very burdensome for us to make a million dollars back. That’s years of time.
I think there was 80 of us, the regional independents, 80 that are not billionaires where this had to come out of their own savings account. You know, a person that has to dip in to line the pockets of these greedy lawyers. I definitely think the story isn’t told. Most people don’t even know that NAR left these brokers out.
When you found out that the NAR settlement did not cover your company and other companies like it what did you think?
I was freaking pissed and I’m still pissed. We pay our NAR dues just like everybody else does. We support NAR. We have 2,000 agents that pay dues every year to NAR. We do that so that they can stand up for us, so that we can be protected. And they just left us out. Like, “screw you.” Oh my God. I was so angry.
There were several extremely angry people. We talked about suing NAR. We talked about going after them for settling and leaving us out. We had meetings in the beginning. Everybody was just livid.
You say you talked about suing, but it sounds like you opted against that? Why?
There was a strong contingent of brokers in the room that were very, very adamant about suing NAR. But there wasn’t enough of them. And I don’t know, it might still happen. It’s not off the table.
A lot of these brokers still haven’t settled yet. So once they settle and the true damages come out, it’s still on the table.
NAR has come out and said, “this is the best deal we could get. For a variety of reasons, we couldn’t include everybody. We had to cut a deal or we would go bankrupt.” What do you make of those comments?
No, I’ve personally had conversations with them because I was pretty vocal about it when this all first came out. And they explained to me this is the best they could do.
No, it wasn’t the best they could do. NAR is a non-profit, for-member benefit organization. If they have to declare bankruptcy so that everybody is taken care of, or they have to just dissolve so that they can pay all these settlements, that’s what they have to do. They’re not in it for their own existence. They’re a member benefit organization. They’re in it for us.
What they did is obviously for them. When I talked to them, I told them there are these 80 regional brokers and they kind of acted like they didn’t realize we existed. And I said, I think if you were going to exclude anybody, you could have excluded publicly traded companies.
They could have said, “all right, we’re going to cover everybody except publicly traded companies.” Because the stockholders, the shareholders are paying for that. But to not include privately held companies, that was just awful.
Going forward do you envision a future where you’re a part of NAR?
The reason I think NAR is important is because we need lobbyists. One of the ways I think they seriously dropped the ball is when the election was coming up around the same time as the settlement, and we knew there was going to be an election. Lobby the two people running for president. Ask them, “if we support you, will you get the DOJ off of our backs?”
We could have the DOJ off of our backs if we exerted some pressure, but they don’t want to get involved in presidential campaigns. I get that. I get the reason for that, but you don’t have to pick a candidate. You can support both candidates and say, both of you need to keep the Department of Justice out of our business.
They have so much money and so much power, but they’re scared to use it. If there was another organization that came around that was not scared and would actually use the power and the money they had, I would join that organization in a heartbeat because lobbying for us is really, really important.
I understand what you’re saying about the suits and NAR. But I’m also wondering, now that the new rules are in effect, about the experience on the ground of your agents. Are things worse, better or the same? What’s the new normal?
We did a ton of training very early on. So our agents were very well versed in what they needed to do. We were concerned about buyer side commissions being reduced. We haven’t seen that yet.
I think that the agents who are very experienced are going to hold their own. They’re going to get what they feel like they deserve to get. And the good agents will probably even get more than they would if a listing agent was determining what they got.
It’s kind of good and kind of bad. All this money, all this time, all this effort, and it didn’t change a thing.
If you had one message for other leaders in the industry going forward, what would it be? What do folks need to hear at this point?
I think we need to be more vocal and we need to speak up when we see stuff like this happen, stuff that is just unfair in the industry or harmful to the industry. We should be protecting the industry that has given us — given me — a lifestyle where I have a beautiful house, a beautiful family, a beautiful job.
I got from the Marine Corps to where I am now because of this industry. I want to make sure that other people who are 23 and graduating college, or coming out of the military, can have an amazing career helping people buy their dream homes. It’s a great industry. It’s a great career.
If we don’t protect it, it’s going to be gone. We need to stand up. We need to speak out. We need to make sure we’re concentrating on the important part of the business of the industry. I would say, don’t be quiet and don’t care if people don’t like what you have to say. Somebody has to say it.