I recently posted an article going over my new goal to own 100 million dollars worth of real estate and businesses by the year 2030. This is a super aggressive goal for myself and one that is extremely exciting for me to go after, which is how I like my goals! I went over why I made this goal and how goals have helped me in the last post. Here, I want to explain exactly how I plan to do it. I like to create actionable plans from my goals otherwise they are extremely difficult to accomplish! I made a goal to purchase 100 rental properties over 10 years ago and I made a year-by-year plan of how I would do that. I did not accomplish that goal but it helped me tremendously.
Here is the article going over the goal and why I made it.
How close am I to $100 million right now?
I am making this goal at the beginning of 2025. I have done well in real estate and with businesses but I like to push myself and this goal should help me do that. Not only will I detail my plan for accomplishing this goal but I am going to create a tracker for what I own that can be seen at any time. When I say create, I mean my team will help me create that tracker… Fine, my team will create that tracker for me but I will give them the data. Technology is not my strong suit.
As of right now, I have about $1,500,000 worth of businesses from my laundromats, liquor store/mini-mart, online business (Investfourmore), and real estate office. I also own about $18,000,000 worth of real estate investments and $1,800,000 worth of personal houses (my main house and our river house). I own all of the businesses without any loans but I have about 10 million worth of loans against the real estate. However, for this goal, I am not counting equity, just total value. You can say I should count equity but it is my goal and that is how I want to do it.
You can see the tracker for exactly what I own here: (if there are still parentheses here the tracker is not ready yet)
How likely am I to hit this goal?
There is a good chance I will not reach this goal or not reach it by the time specified. However, it is not an impossible goal. I think I can get there if things fall into place and I work hard to come up with some new strategies. Even, if I do not hit the goal, I am sure it will help me do more and get excited about what I am doing. I will have to buy a lot of real estate and businesses to make it!
One of the challenges with this goal is that I want to own $100 million worth of real estate and businesses. I could buy $100 million but if I sell a property, that will not count. I have flipped over 200 houses in my career. I may have close to $100 million worth of purchases already when counting the properties I have bought and sold. If you count the value when I sold them I think I may have more than $100 million. It is one thing to buy and sell properties but another thing to hold them and keep building your portfolio. Of course, I would have loved to have kept every property I bought, well almost every property, but I don’t have a trust fund or unlimited sources of money. I had to sell some properties in order to be able to buy more.
High interest rates have also made real estate much more difficult in the last few years. It is hard to cash flow, harder to qualify for loans, and harder to make money. If every property I bought had a ton of cash flow, this goal would be much easier, but some of the properties I buy are equity-heavy and cash-flow-light.
A year-by-year breakdown of my goal to own $100 million worth of real estate
If I count my personal houses, my rentals, my flips, and my businesses, I own about $23,650,000 worth of real estate now. Some of those are flips I plan to sell soon but most of that is from the rental properties I plan to hold. That needs me needing to buy $73,650,000 worth of real estate in the next 5 years. That is a pretty big jump since it took me about 15 years to get to $23 million. The good news is I do not have to spend that much money to buy that much real estate. I love to get a good deal and the market may appreciate as well. If I buy $30 to $40 million worth of properties I may be able to reach that $73 million number.
If I were to divide $30 million by 5 years, that would mean I need to buy $6 million worth of long-term hold properties a year without selling any. That is going to take a lot of work but I figure I can probably buy more in the later years as I grow. My goal is not $6 million per year but a gradual increase.
If you think it seems completely out of touch and foreign that I am using such large numbers, don’t worry. It feels out of touch and foreign to me as well! It is crazy to think that this goal could happen. Goals like this are exactly how people do big things!
FYI, all of my properties are on my YouTube channel if you want to see before and after videos.
2025 plans for my mission $100m
I have started off the year strong by getting 2 properties under contract to buy. A liquor store with real estate (business and property) and a commercial warehouse. I also am buying a flip but those are more short-term and don’t have the impact on this goas like the rentals. I won’t share the exact numbers on these properties since I have not bought them yet, but I think I can add more than $3 million in value to my properties this year alone from the liquor store and warehouse (buying for around $1.5m). That includes getting a great deal, some rehab, management improvements, and calculating the new value.
I plan to buy more properties this year as well and increase the value of my existing properties. I am working on an 8 plex that I bought for $595k in 2024 that could be worth more than $1,000,000 when finished. I figure I would need to buy another $1.5 million worth of long-term holds that are great deals to stay on track.
Ownership at the end of 2025: $30,150,000
2026 plans for my mission $100m
I do not have any plans for 2026 yet, except continuing to improve my current businesses and properties. That is something else that will help my goal but is hard to calculate. If my laundromat increases revenues by $100k a year it may increase the value by $300k. If my online business Investfourmore takes off because of this goal it could increase in value as well. I am not just buying new but improving what I have as well.
I figure I need to buy about $5 million worth of real estate or businesses in 2026 to stay on track with my goal. This will be a tall task and I am not sure how I will accomplish this but that is the point of this goal. To make me think outside of the box and to get out of my comfort zone. Will I find a new partner, or maybe sell some properties in order to buy more properties? If I sell some properties that would mean I need to buy even more. I have a year or so to figure it out….
Ownership at the end of 2026: $41,150,000
2027 plans for my mission $100m
Planning out three years is tough because I do not know what will happen in the next two years. I can make some estimates and outline a plan based on my best guesses. I figure I would need to buy about $7 million dollars worth of real estate or businesses. I could also take over a business or start a new business as well. I don’t want to limit myself on what I do. Maybe I will start a new business that sells shoe lace washers that take off and become worth $100 million on its own!
Ownership at the end of 2027: $56,200,000
2028 plans for my mission $100m
2028 seems so far away right now but I know it will come sooner than I think. 2028 will be even harder to plan for than the previous years but I will do it anyway. In 2028 I plan to buy $9 million worth of real estate or businesses. Again, I could also start a business or take over a business to get there as well. One thing that makes buying more and more real estate easier when you have more and more real estate is using refinances to take cash out. I do not have the cash to buy all of these properties. My current strategy is to use private or bank money to get great deals, fix them up, and then refinance them in a year or two to take my investment back out. If we do really well in increasing the value of properties, I might be able to take out more cash than I invested.
Ownership at the end of 2028: $77,000,000
2029 plans for my mission $100m
You may notice that my value is increasing by more than double the number of properties I am buying. Well, as I own more and more real estate and businesses I am assuming the current properties I own will go up in value some with the market as well. I could be wrong, but historically prices go up over time. In 2029, I will need to buy $11 million worth of real estate or businesses. This is a big number and if I fall behind at all in any of the previous years, I may need to buy even more! If I can double the value of the properties and get some increases from current properties, I should be over $100 million!
The big kicker here is if I sell properties along the way. If I decide to sell some rentals, I would need to buy even more. Now, if I do sell it should give me more money to buy so that is doable.
Ownership at the end of 2029: $101,000,000
This is a huge goal and it will take a lot of work and people helping me to reach it. I think I could definitely do this but it will not be easy! One thing I love about this goal is it gets me excited. Some of my previous goals I have set felt more like goals I had to set. This feels like a goal I want to set and want to pay attention to! I will have many updates on this goal with videos and articles. I hope to do a monthly update on my ownership number and we will get that tracker up and running soon if it is not up yet.